A Rescue in Sight

09th Jul 2020

A Rescue in Sight

Huge thanks are due to everyone who wrote to their MP, signed petitions, used social media, and argued for support to save the arts. The timing and the terms of the government's announcement took everyone by surprise, and the news was much better than we expected. It has been a very tough four months, and this is a welcome light at the end of the tunnel.

We all await further news about how this money will be distributed, to whom, and when. It needs to be soon. We also need news on reopening strategies, and on how we can best look after theatre's many freelancers. But the mood in the arts is a lot more optimistic. We have no idea if Jermyn Street Theatre will receive any money directly, but we exist within a big family of other theatres and companies, so this news can only be good for us.

Thank you so much for getting us over our target on our GoFundMe campaign: https://uk.gofundme.com/f/jermyn-street-theatre-emergency-fund